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Bunny sleeping differently and making noises

22 11:08:12


My bunny has always made noises (grunting, etc. when he's happy), but lately i've noticed that I can hear what I can only be described as "snoring" when he's sleeping.  He also is resing more often and in a far less alert position (sprawled out entirely with his head resting on his front paws, which is adorable, but unlike him).

I used to just hear him when he was cleaning himself (a honking/wheeze type sound), but it's these new things that scare me.  He also didn't rush to his bowl tonight when I gave him his evening food... any thoughts?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Abby,

he may be overweight.  The snoring when sleeping can be a sign of overweight, or that he has a respiratory infection affecting his breathing.  Would also make him less energetic, which is also something you mention.

They should not make a lot of straining noises when cleaning themselves.  Small amounts are okay.  Too much means they are having problems turning to get to places, and this could also mean they may be overweight and when they are overweight it is harder for them to groom without straining.  

Not rushing for food may just mean he was still full from prior lunch or eating hay.  It could also mean he has a problem of some kind.  Normally I regard any rabbit that is not 'normally' excited/happy for their meals as having some kind of problem.  

I would take him in to your vet for a wellness exam and describe the behaviors that are giving you concern.  I would do it quickly because rabbit problems tend to get very severe or fatal quickly, and you don't want him to weaken over a few days and then not be able to survive treatment.
