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help my rabbit is having seizures

22 11:27:34

I have been breeding rabbits for 3 years now and I bought a polish rabbit last january at a rabbit show she was only 4 weeks old ( the breeder said he didn't like chocolates) She gave birth to 2 babies about a month ago and they were dead when I found them. I rebred her and she had 5 babies on this last friday. Today when I went out to feed all of my rabbits she was leaned against the wall in her cage shaking. I picked her up and took her inside she didn't have control of her movements I thought she was dying (I held my first pet rabbit as she died and she was doing the same thing) she became still all of the sudden she keeps having seizures off and on she has had 3 in the last hour when they stop she doesn't seem to have control over body movements anymore. she can move her legs but only very little. I don't know what to do to help her except to comfort her.

If you can get her to an emergency clinic, she needs a muscle relaxant so that she can stop having seizures, then tomorrow you need to find a rabbit-knowledgeable vet to determine why she is having seizures.  Does she have a brain abscess?  Does she have epilepsy?  What is causing the problem?

You will also need to start handfeeding the babies, obviously, since she isn't going to be able to do it.

There is some good information about seizures at

Good luck, my experience with this is that the seizures don't go away, they either get worse or you lose the bunny.
