Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Confused


22 11:13:32

Hi.I got a "female" rabbit Kurly, about 2 monthes ago for my other rabbit Peanut, and they've been getting along fine. But a week ago, the "female" rabbit Kurly has been mounting Peanut. We're not sure if Peanut is a girl or boy. Do girl rabbits mount boy rabbits? Or do girl rabbits mount girl rabbits? Is Kurly a boy or girl?

P.S. We're not totally sure if Kurly is a girl, we were told that she was a girl when we got her at the petshop.

I was also told Kurly was a boy rabbit because of the way "it" pees.

hi vanessa girl rabbits domount other rabbits its quitwe common.
place the rabbit in your hands and turn it upside down then look at its private parts tose what sex it is if you press gently in that area if its a boy a little penis will pop out.