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Rabbits wont breed :-(

22 10:47:11

Hello, I'm trying to breed (same type) my rabbits and the doe(s) will not accept the buck.  I will care and keep all of the babies.  No matter what I do, (including putting doe(s) in the buck's cages), they will not accept.  What should and can I do?  Although the buck would mount the doe(s), I don't think he is making contact because the doe(s) drop their hides to the ground, which prevents him from getting access.  Also, one of my Doe(s) squeals like a guinea pig whenever she gets close to the male.  The squealing is consistent and non-stop, unless I separate them.  It seems my female rabbits don't want anything to do with the buck.  Please advise.  Thanks.


It sounds as though she is not ready to breed. Check her vulva (privates) to see what colour it is. If it is pink, she is not ready to breed. If it is bright red, she is most likely to mate and get pregnant. If it is a purple-red colour, she will probably mate, but she is less likely to get pregnant.

If she still will not breed while her vulva is red, you can try a few things. House her cage right next to the buck's. Take her on a car ride (especially effective if the buck is in the car as well). If you show rabbits, take her to a show. Oftentimes the different smells, the changes in environment, etc. will make a female more willing to breed.

Some females are just really stubborn, too. With those ones, you just have to keep trying.