Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is my bunny constapated and do I need a vet?

Is my bunny constapated and do I need a vet?

22 11:16:03

My bunny's symptoms are: Lethargic, loss of appetite, has not
had any bowel movement for about 10 hours, moves around but
very little, does not respond to his name being called like he
normally does, he just lies down the whole time and never
moves except to move to a different position, he has urinated.

I suspect that he is just constapated and just needs a laxative.  If
this is so then what are some natural laxatives for a bunny or
does he need to see a vet?

I would take the rabbit to a vet.  It sounds as if he is ill, and without a vet seeing him it would be difficult to tell what he has.

There is more information on medical emergencies at

Good luck.
