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Odd Buck behavior

22 11:37:16


Our second rabbit-we lost the first at 7 yrs-a mini lop fixed buck who adopted us at our local humane society has the oddest behavior.

Once a month he digs at the covers on my side of the bed and chases off the cat (who was here first and never fights back) hisses etc at him.

We wonder if he is so tied to my hormones he is making me a nest?  

Also, our daughter has new baby male not yet fixed and lives with her but comes home for vacations and has seemed to make this behavior worse.  Also, we introduced in neutral territory and he went after the baby then when separated he hopped in my lap and refused to move.  Not normal for him but we wonder if he was protecting me or if I was supposed to protect him from this tiny dwarf hotot interloper? Note, the cat is her slave and lives in her room when she is home from college.

Any ideas/ thanks..

He just does this once a month?  He couldn't be nesting if he's neutered, and it's the females who nest anyway.  Maybe he is just staking his territory?

It sounds like he doesn't like the baby.  If you want to try to introduce them, you could go to  But, if the baby isn't going to live with you, it may not be worth the effort.

He is just protecting his space (and you are part of his space).
