Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Water Consumption

Water Consumption

22 11:33:42

First I know that drinking too little or too much can be a sign of illness.   Also that how much they drink can also depend on the size of the rabbit, the weather and how many greens and other veggies they have in their diet.   All that aside.

The question is:

How many ounces of water per rabbit pound should a rabbit be drinking (on average)

2nd question, on average, how many ounces of water does a a cup of leafy greens provide?  

The source I was able to find says that the average rabbit should be drinking 50-150 ml/kg (16 oz. = 450 ml, 1 kg = 2.27 lb.).

I am not seeing anything on how much water a cup of leafy greens provide, you might try searching by each component vegetable and see if you can find a conversion.  Certainly vegetables that are higher in water content will contain more than those that are not.
