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My Hurt Bunny

22 11:04:25

Dear Dana, My rabbit, Mo fell out of his cage a few days ago, and I just noticed today he won't move his one of his back legs. I've pretty worried about him. I don't want to take him to the vet though, because I don't know if he just sprained it or actaully broke it. I wanted to ask you if you know of any kind of medicine (pain releivers) you can give rabbits. And I also don't know how much to give him. He is still eating and drinking normally though.He just moving slow and fliches if you touch the hurt leg. Please try to reply as soon as possible!!

Thanks,  Becca

Ps. if you could reccomend a common medicine (like tylenal or Motrin) that I have at home, so I wouldn't have to go to the store.

Dear Becca,

When the health (and possibly even life) of your rabbit is in the balance, I don't think you should try to second guess and injury like this.  What if it's broken?  If you had a broken leg--or even suspected that it might be broken--would you not get yourself to the emergency room right away?  I don't think you'd wait several days!

Mo is obviously in pain, and the longer you wait to have him seen and treated by a good vet, the greater the chance he could lose the leg if it's broken!  A broken leg is a nidue for infection, and it will not heal on its own.  If it's just a sprain (and if he's not putting any weight on it, that's not likely), then you'll at least know that.  But if it's broken, it needs to be stabilized and treated NOW.

Please don't even consider giving him pain killers without consulting a good rabbit vet:  there are many medications that could harm or even kill Mo.  You need the help of a good rabbit vet--not advice from the internet!  Please find a good vet here NOW:

and don't wait another minute to get Mo to the vet for the emergency treatment he should have had when you first noticed him limping.  I know you love him, so do the right thing, and don't waste another minute.
