Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > clucking?


22 10:46:43

Hi, i usually ask one of the other experts, but she's maxed out right now, please note in advance that i am an overly concerned bunny parent :) so this is probably nothing. i got my lil Gilda about a month ago, i love her to pieces, last night i was laying on the floor with her feeding her a little piece of carrot before her dinner time when i noticed she was making a strange noise, it sounded like what i assume a click would be like, and a grunt, is this actually what it is? we were playing before hand so i assume it's happy noises, I'm just concerned about repertory problems.

thanks in advance.


I've never heard a rabbit click, but grunting usually means a rabbit is displeased. Rabbits are territorial by nature and she may have felt her space was being invaded.

I would keep an eye on her in the future and see if you notice a pattern. As far as a health concern, I would not personally be worried.

Just watch and make sure it is not in fact teeth grinding. Rabbits may do that when they are in pain or when they need to wear down their teeth (which are constantly growing). Make sure she has something to chew on to wear down her teeth.

Good luck!