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rabbit nip

22 11:09:32

for years there has been cat nip that will excite a cat and make training a little easier. i have two Rex's, both are male.  One is about two and a half years and the other is about 6 months, is there a recipe for a rabbit "nip" or such? they are  very smart, but very stubborn to boot. So if you can help me i would be much appreciated thank you for your time.  

I am not sure that there is a such thing as rabbit nip. It would be a nice thing if there was. I mix up treats for mine made up of black oil sunflower seeds, cherios, oats, and wheat germ oil. I give a teaspoon daily and i think that it helps them to listen to me. I train mine to pose, and i know it can be hard. Hard work and determination will prevail, and you will have fully trained rabbits before you know it.