Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > irritation to vhd injection

irritation to vhd injection

22 10:37:30

hiya, my rabbit who's coming up to 4 months old recently had his vhd shot (6
days ago) and although his behaviour is generally alright, his neck is quite red
and sore looking. he has been scratching it alot since he got it done and it
doesn't seem to be getting any less red. have you got any advice on what i can
do? thanks!

Dear Natalie,

Vaccination injections can cause a local immune reaction, and it sounds as if that's what's happened to your bunny.  If the redness does not start to resolve in another day or two, I would definitely get him back to the vet for treatment.  

Keep a close eye on the site in the future.  In rare instances, certain types of cancer can form at the site of vaccination injections, and if your bunny develops such a lump or lesion, it should be removed immediately to prevent it from spreading.  It probably won't happen, but it's good to be aware, just in case.

Hope this helps.
