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Lonely rabbit?

22 11:32:36

my much loved rabbit has recently died leaving behind an equaly beautiful black rex will he understand that she is dead and will he get depressed or lonely. Even thought they were not living in the same hutch will he miss her? Should I maybe foster a rabbit from the RSPCA to make sure he doesn't get lonely?   
                Thank you

If he got to see the body, he probably knows she is dead.  You will have to keep an eye on him, some rabbits don't want another partner, and some will mourn themselves to death.  Certainly if you have any doubts you could check with the RSPCA to see if they might be willing to let you foster a rabbit he is compatible with.

I've had rabbits I never had to pair again, rabbits I had to pair eventually, and one rabbit I had to pair immediately because he quit eating and was obviously quite upset.
