Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My spayed female rabbit is litter box trained and just peed on me

My spayed female rabbit is litter box trained and just peed on me

22 9:52:49

I adopted my pet rabbit, Violet, about 2 months ago.  She is spayed, litter box trained, and hops freely around my apartment.  She always uses her litter box until 5 minutes ago when she peed all over me and my bed.  She had been sitting next to me while I petted her for a while.  I stopped petting her and she went about hopping on my bed like she always does.  Then she backed up until I felt her touching my arm and began to urinate everywhere.  After she was done she kept trying to lick me and, after I put her on the floor, she started running around my apartment full speed seeming very happy with herself.  I'm so confused!  Why would she pee on me?

Dear Erin,

It may sound strange, but you have received the highest rabbit compliment.  Your bunny was marking you as HER property.  Even spayed/neutered rabbits sometimes spray urine with delighted abandon this way.  They mean no harm.  Just telling you they love you and own you and you'd better be happy about it.

This is also a sign that she thinks she's the dominant bunny in the household.  So get ready for a wild ride!

When you pet her on the bed, take frequent litterbox breaks:  Once you've petted her for a while, gently carry her to her litterbox, place her in it with lots of loving words, praise, and even a treat, and wait there until she pees.  If she does, praise her a LOT and only then bring her back up on the bed.  If she doesn't pee in the box, then don't bring her back up on the bed until she does.  If she hops back up, then take her to the box again.

Eventually, she'll get the message.

Hope this helps.
