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Dwarf Hotots

22 10:59:06

I have several dwarf hotots and there are three that are losing their fur on their faces.  Their cages are cleaned weekly, food fresh 2x day and water 24 hours a day.  Too cold where I am presently, so they are in the house for at least another week.  Any idea what this might be?
Thank you!

Where on their faces is the fur being lost from? If it is near the eyes, it may be from blocked tear ducts (more common in large eyed breeds like dwarf hotots) or other eye problems (including infection) that are making the eyes run. Running eyes can irritate the skin, causing the fur to fall out.

Otherwise, it may be fur mites or they may be chewing on each other (if they are in the same cage of can reach each other through the cage wire).

Of course, finding out the particular cause is important to be able to stop it. Are there any other signs? Anything abnormal about their behaviour, etc?