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neutering/spaying rabbits

22 11:18:33

then if i were to let the female give birth to a litter first and then spay it,would that be okay?
my female rabbit is only 1 and a half month now and is living together with the that alright?

Followup To

Question -
i have one male and one female rabbit.
so if i were to neuter and spay them,will the female be able to give birth?

Answer -
If they are neutered and spayed, the female will not be able to give birth, and the male will not be able to father a litter.

I would really suggest not breeding her at all, to be honest.

Firstly, there are already a lot of crossbred and pet quality rabbits that are in need of loving homes without purposely adding more. I assume since you are wating to spay and neuter eventually, that your rabbits are not high show or breeding quality.

Secondly, a lot of things can go wrong with pregnancy and birth. A doe can get pregnancy toxemia and die. The babies can die inside of her, infecting her, and causing severe illness or death to her. She might get a kit stuck during birth, which can kill her. She might eat the babies when they are born. She might not take care of them or produce enough milk. All of these things can require expensive vet help to correct, and they will only help if you get her to the vet in time.

For the moment, they are okay together, but once the female is 2 1/2 months old, I would seperate them. Females have been known to get pregnant that young, and getting pregnant so early can be even more dangerous to her.