Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mother bun is mounting her babies

mother bun is mounting her babies

22 10:41:28

My mother bun gave birth 7 weeks ago.  Today, I witnessed her mounting her babies.  What should I do?  Should I separate mother from babies?  If so, can I put the babies with the neutered father?   The mother is scheduled to be spayed next Thursday.  I father bun is in a cage next to mom & babies.  He was neutered on about a month ago.

thank you for your time

Dear Jody,

If the family is in such close quarters that the babies can't get away from mama's attentions, then they need to be spread out so they can get away when she does this.  She's showing signs of stress and sexual frustration, and taking it out on the kids. :)

I would be very cautious about introducing the babies to the papa, as any rabbit introductions can be violent if things are not done with great patience and watching for any sign of aggression.  Please see:

for tips on bonding.

Hope that helps!
