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unwell rabbit?

22 10:48:28

i have a lop eared 4 year old rabbit.he is normally very lively and happy but the past 2 days he has been out of sorts and not very responsive. he has been eating slowly and his poo is soft and mushy. he seems to be very unhappy. whats wrong with him? could it be the weather as it has been raining constantly lately?? also... There is old pieces of wet wood in the garden from a house leek. he could have eaten some of this rotten wood is that what is causing this problem? we also moved his hutch to a different part of the garden could something as litle as that affect him eatly and his mood etc...?? please respond ASAP! IM WORRIED!

Dear Mike,

Changes in the environment can affect a rabbit's stress levels and ability to fight off illness.  Any time a rabbit acts inappetent or lethargic, it's time to get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP:

The internet is *not* the best place to find help, since there will invariably be a delay!  Get the bunny to a good rabbit vet for immediate help if he's not acting well, just as you would get your own self to a doctor if you were sick.

While waiting to get him to the vet (don't take no for an answer; tell them it's an emergency!), please read:


If he stops eating and stops producing poop, please read:

I hope this helps.
