Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit paw seens to be hurting

My rabbit paw seens to be hurting

22 9:52:38

My rabbit seems to be folding her paw back as it is hurting, he still moving around but just a little and always. holding back his paw.We had a look and is not hurt outside feels like is a muscle. What can we do, as he is our only house rabbit and we want to help? Thank you very much for your help

Dear Regina,

If the bunny is not putting any weight at all on the paw, then it's best to get him to an experienced rabbit vet for evaluation.  The paw may not show sign of injury, but there could be something higher up--a leg bone or part of the pectoral (if front leg) or pelvic (if back leg) structures.  

If bun is putting a little weight on it, then it is likely not broken, and just needs time and some therapy (warm compresses might help here, since the injury is already several days old).  Pain management will also help, so ask the vet about this.

You can find a rabbit vet here:

I hope your bunny will be fully recovered soon.
