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Rabbit road trip

22 9:38:28

I got a rabbit this summer and I plan to take it back to college with me. I have a nice hutch up there for the bunny and a hutch and run at my parents house for when I'm here. My question is that I have a 4 to 5 hour drive. What is the best way to transport a rabbit for that long? If I have a roomy pet crate with food, water, and buckle it in, will that be good? I can also turn on the ac so it's not too warm. Thank you!

Hi Lauren

Some rabbits do better with driving than others. The roomy crate with food, a bottle of water and seatbelted in is good. It would be good to stuff it with hay and put a blanket over one end so it's dark too.

I recommend stopping every hour or two to check on the bun, they generally go into a bit of a trance or sleep during transit so often won't eat or drink while they're moving. It's good to stop for half an hour to let them come out that trance and eat or drink if they want to.

I take mine for 2 hour trips to visit my mum a couple of times a year, they go into a trance but are out the box the other end like a shot and straight into their food!

It's important for the bun to be the #1 priority when you get to the other end to get them settled into their new abode with lots of hay and places to hide so they can get over the trip. Some bunnies recover slower than others, and some may thump or thrash about during the trip but usually do settle down. Make sure you know a good vet the other end too that deals with rabbits as on rare occasions the trauma of the trip can cause gut stasis.

Good luck!