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URGENT: Rabbits decreasing poo size

22 9:45:13

Last week I ran out of my typical Oxbow orchard grass hay and went to a local feed store for their (lesser quality) orchard hay. Timothy, my 2 yr old Rex, was picky about the new hay. He still ate it, but less voraciously than the Oxbow I normally give him. His poo was consistent, so I thought it was fine, but after a week, I decided to give in and buy the Oxbow again. Since switching him back, I noticed his poo has decreased in size almost by half. Yesterday morning, there was a large amount of the small poo, but this morning, there is definitely a very small amount (15 pellets of poo at most). His appetite has remained the same, and I have continued to encourage his consumption of hay. I gave him an extra handful of wet carrot tops last night, and a grape and his usual 2 diced papaya pieces this morning. He is shedding, so I gave him about 1 mL of Laxatone this morning (this is the first time in about a month that I've given it to him). I still heard bowel sounds with my stethoscope bilaterally on his abdomen. I also have been trying to massage his stomach. His stomach is doughy upon palpation still; although his left side is a bit firmer.. (I'm not sure if it is because I am unfamiliar with rabbit anatomy and that may be his liver?). Either way, I am continuing to monitor for GI stasis, but I am wondering if you could advise if/when I should take him to the vet. Thank you!

Dear Jennifer,

Whenever a bunny changes eating habits like this, and there is no obvious reason, I would get him to the vet for a dental exam.  The picky eating habits are a red flag for this.  Please see:

Molar spurs can be painful, and elicit GI tract slowdown.  That is a possible reason for the small poops you're seeing.

Keep him well hydrated by wetting his daily salads, and ask the vet if subQ hydration might be necessary if bun isn't doing the job on his own.

You can find a rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
