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my rabbbit

22 10:26:01

hi, about a day ago i noticed a bump on my 2 year old rabbit,its hard to explain but i think its healing,can u tell me what this is ???p.s. its around her mid to back stomach area.its not in the skin its out i've just been putting neosporin on it.

Without seeing the rabbit, knowing its environment, or habits, I can't really tell you what the bump is.  But I can give you some ideas on what kind of bumps that animals can get on their skin.

Abscesses are generally pretty nasty puss filled pockets under the skin, generally caused from a wound or scratch, the body then seals off the area due to infection and causes a pocket.  These have to be lanced and drained, then rinsed with a saline solution, you can do this at home but if you have a weak stomach or are not comfortable with doing something like that take your animal to the vet.

It could be a sting or a bug bite.  Rabbits and other animals can react the same way people do, swelling up, causing irritation etc.  There would be scratching and the area around it would probably be very red maybe with some scratches.

I would suggest to make sure you are cleaning the area with a warm water, mild soap (just a bit on a rag then run it over the area) keep applying neosporin, and if it gets worse please take your animal to the vet, they are more able to diagnose and treat this.

Good Luck