Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > great big, busy rabbit testicles

great big, busy rabbit testicles

22 10:17:29

I have a male pet rabbit, a fuzzy lop.  Today I noticed that his testicles are red and enlarged.  What could be causing this.  He does have a female friend in the cage with him.

Dear Janelle,

Well, you have answered your own question.  Lots of sexual arousal and activity will make the testicles swell and become quite red, as they've been busy.  Please read this:

The female may already be pregnant, and the male can impregnate her again within minutes of her giving birth.  I probably don't need to tell you this isn't good for anyone's health.  Please also read:

and find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope this helps.
