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Is she having a seizure?

22 10:25:33

I have a 2 year old mini REX rabbit. We have noticed a change in her behavior at times. She can be laying down or on you and her head will fall backwards, her eyes will start to close, her mouth starts to twitch and she starts to shake. when she starts this we try to catch it and start petting her and saying she is a good bunny, she come out if it if we do this. this has been happening for a few months but has now just started to occur more often. I wasn't sure if rabbits could have seizures or not. or if this is even what it is.. she also will do this if we are scratching the area between the back of her ears by her neck..

thank you

This does sound like seizures. If she was only doing it when you scratched her I would almost go as far to chalk it up to you found a really itchy spot and that is her reaction, however if she is doing it random times, with no noticable cause then my suggestion is to take her to the vet.  Rabbits can and do have seizures, and they can become dangerous for the rabbit.  

Your vet will know best how it needs to be treated and what the causes are.

Good Luck