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10 week old rabbit

22 11:04:34

We have a 10 week old rabbit that seems perfectly healthy.  This evening, we found her anus was very swollen and red (blood red).  She is eating well and seems good in herself.  Vet is closed for the evening.  Do you think she will make it?

Hi Karen,
if you mean that there was actually blood coming from her anus then this is not good. She may have been bitten by another animal in the house,or perhaps bit it herself...other than that it wouldn't mean internal bleeding from the organs because this would mean her poop would have black (blood) in in that area is either from a bite or because it's irritated and she's been scratching and biting at it.
If in the am you don't see anything has cleared up at all,then you can have her checked by a vet..otherwise if she's eating well,and drinking with bowel movements and urinating ok...she's going to be just fine.
Good luck,Elizabeth