Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i live with a a bunny is that healthy??

i live with a a bunny is that healthy??

22 10:02:20

I know someone already asked you a question similar to this, but if i keep my room super clean and if I potty train my bunny, could i live and sleep in the same small room as him? I am afraid of getting toxoplasmosis, somewhere I heard that rabbits could carry that too and not just cats??
Ps how do I get the smell of urine off my carpet??

Dear Dani,

Rabbits can harbor toxoplasmosis in their tissues, but the life cycle stage they carry cannot be transmitted to humans.  So you are safe from that.  And no, there are really no reasons you can't have a bunny in your bedroom, as long as you maintain proper hygiene, regularly change the litterbox, etc.  We have bunnies all over the house, and they cause no illness to us except MENTAL ILLNESS that you get from taking care of so many.  :)

To remove the smell and calcification of bunny urine from carpet, apply white vinegar, let it sit for a bit, and then use a wet-vac to completely get the vinegar out.  Then do the same with plain water to get the vinegar smell out.  A touch of Febreze at the end should make things pretty clean.

Hope this helps.
