Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny is drooping only one ear

Bunny is drooping only one ear

22 10:02:22

QUESTION: Hi dana,
My name is teyam.  I've bought a brown dwarf rabbit mix almost a year ago and it just recently started putting one ear up and one ear down but before it didn't have it down, im worried, does this mean anything???

ANSWER: Dear Teyam,

If this were a baby bunny, I would say that she might be just now expressing some lop heritage.  But if she's almost a year old, this is more likely to be related to either an ear infection or a neurological problem that could progress to head tilt/torticollis if not treated promptly.

The pathologies that cause one ear to droop are pretty much the same as those responsible for head tilt, so you can get a good overview in this article by a world-renowned rabbit vet, Dr. Susan Brown:

Please feel free to share that with your vet, but be sure you have an experienced rabbit vet for this problem:

The sooner the cause of this drooping is determined and treated, the better the chance for full recovery.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I'm sorry to bother you again but this time i have 2 questions,
the 1st one is well I've been observing my bunny and this is what i found out,sometimes it puts one ear down and sometimes it doesn't does this change anything?
Now my 2nd question how can you tell how old you bunny is?

Dear Teyam,

If the drooping ear is a relatively new behavior, it doesn't matter if he keeps it down all the time or not.  It should still be checked for all the reasons I said before.

Once a bunny is an adult, it is pretty much impossible to determine its age.  Sorry.
