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Hurt legs, runny poop, scabby skin

22 11:32:04


My bunny Hoppy has been having some problems lately. A little over a month ago I noticed she didn't seem to be moving well, and she could hardly hop. Her back legs were weak and didn't seem to be working. I brought her to the vet, and he said she had most likely injured herself from hopping the wrong way, but gave some medicine to give her that might help.

So I gave her the medication for about a week, then it ran out. After I started giving her medicine, I noticed she started having runny poop that had a very strong odor. She also had normal poop, but every once in a while she'd have the runny kind. I cleaned her off a few times because it was getting stuck in her fur.

NOW, she seems to be hopping a bit better than right after she first got hurt/sick, and I have noticed less runny poop, but now she has some bald spots which are covered with scabs. So, any idea about what's going on with her? (she's about a 1 1/2 year old Hollan Lop) Is there anything I can do to help her?  

Dear Kristen,

Forgot to address the bald, scabby spots.  Please see:

This could be mange, but if the scabs look as if they're from her own teeth, this needs to be treated right away with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet.  This is fully explained in the article above.  DO NOT use Frontline, as it can be deadly to rabbits.
