Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Lump on my rabbits eye

Lump on my rabbits eye

22 9:56:14

My rabbit has quiet a large lump next to it's right eye and it's getting
bigger, my friend seems to think it could be a syst I was just wondering if
you could tell me what it could be?  


I wouldn't be able to tell you not seeing it and not doing any tests (and I'm not a vet).

I can tell you what it could be, but only a vet can diagnose it for certain and give you the necessary care and meds to cure it.

It could be a cyst, it could be an abscess, it could be a tumor of some kind, it might be fluid buildup for some reason, it could be a botfly larvae.

I urge you with the strongest possible force I can give, to get into your good rabbit vet IMMEDIATELY.  The eye is not a place you want to have a problem get worse, there is a large blood supply behind the eye and you don't want anything risking damaging it because your rabbit can bleed out.  If it's a larvae you need a vet to remove it.  Any of the other things I listed you need a vet to determine and set a proper course of treatment and meds.

Please get him in today to your good rabbit vet.  If you need to find one go here:

and go to the link for international vet listings and find the UK pages for rabbit vets.