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Ringworm or Mites?

22 10:42:03

I have a Lionhead/Dwarf mix bunny that is about 8 mos old with a spot on the back of her neck that originally looked like she scratched herself too hard but is now getting larger. Her hair is now missing from that small area and it has a red raw spot. I have heard it could be mites or ringworm. I cannot take her to the vet right now and need help please. It is in only one spot on her body and looks more like ringworm to me. Can you tell me what is safe to try that I get get without a vet please? Buttons and I would be greatly appreciative!

Jill Hebl

Dear Jill,

Without seeing the lesion, I cannot tell for sure what it is.  But this article should help:

When you are able, she should be seen by a good rabbit vet for treatment of the spot.  It should not be very expensive.  Find a good vet here:

Hope that helps.
