Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > peach cores?

peach cores?

22 10:21:10

QUESTION: Are peach cores safe for rabbits to chew/play with? Also, are there any other things that could be used as chew toys for rabbits?

ANSWER: I would suggest not letting your rabbit chew on a peach pit as they are considered poisonous to humans and a safe rule for rabbits is if it is bad for people it is bad for them (except things like meat etc. but you get the general idea)  Please check out
for a list of treats that are good for rabbits and

For some great cheap ideas for toys

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How about walnuts? I've seen youtube videos of bunnies playing with walnuts, is that safe?

I would say no to walnuts to, if your looking for a cheap toy for your bun, try a empty toliet paper roll or one stuffed with hay, these are safe, cheap and offer lots of entertainment.

Also I just recently was made aware of this list of plants that are considered toxic to rabbits, I think it is a good site to bookmark for all rabbit owners

This gives you a pretty much full list of what is not good for your bun.

Good luck