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Rabbit lefting front left paw

22 9:46:59

My rabbit( had for 9 years) is holding it front left paw, I notice a day ago he was thumping his hind legs, he went to move in his cage and he fell over I check to see if he was okay he appeared to be, this morning I notice the paw up he wasn't putting any weight on it. He is stilling eating , stand on his hind legs to get his favorite food( carrots) I look at the paw it doesn't appear to be broken. He didn't move as I continued to pet him. My problem is I have been unemployed for a year and a half and do not have the money to take him to the vet. what can I do at home?

Hi Darlene,

Your bunny is getting old and he needs to be seen by a vet.  It could be something as simple as arthritis but he also could have broken it.  When bunnies are in pain they will usually stop eating, and when they stop eating all their systems start to shut down.  I understand that you might not be able to afford it right now but there is nothing that is really safe that you can get over the counter.  He really needs an x-ray and some prescription pain medicine.

I wish there was more I could offer you, but honestly I don't see any other alternative than getting him examined by a rabbit savvy vet.

Good luck
