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rabbits fur

22 10:42:39

i have a one year old netherland dwarf how is persion smoke in colour. when we got him his cote was beautiful but now he has had his moult one half of his body is a thinn shinney coat and the other half of him is a thick yellow type colour with his normal coulor underneath that is this normal and is he still moulting if so when will he stop because he has been for almost three mounths now

Dear Lianne,

If your bunny is kept outdoors, his fur will sunburn to the colors you describe, and become very rough and brittle.  The best solution is to bring him indoors where he'll be protected from the elements and be able to live a happy life as part of the family.  For all the best information on bunny-proofing the house, litterbox training, spay/neuter, etc., please go to:

If he's been shedding for three months, he needs a bit of grooming help from you.  Get a very fine flea comb, and gently comb out the loose fur and mats.  With moist hands, rub him back and forth.  This will make loose fur stick to your hands. You can roll your palms together to remove the felt, and then repeat until the fur is mostly removed, leaving only the new fur that's growing in.  Tufts can gently be pulled out by hand, too.

While bun is shedding, be sure to provide *lots* of fresh grass hay, fresh, wet greens in his salad, and fresh, clean water in a heavy crock.  This will keep his intestinal contents hydrated, and any ingested hair moving through without incident.

If his coat is still dull, even when new, his nutrition may not be correct.  Please read about a good rabbit diet here:

so you'll be able to provide your bunny with the nutrition he needs for healthy skin and coat.

I hope this helps.
