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Watery Eyes of the rabbitt

22 10:14:38

One of my adult rabbit seems to have developed some infection where his eyes get watery very frequently and there seems to be slight swelling on the eyelids.There is also a discharge of a white substance which is more of dilute in nature. Because of the irritation he keeps scratching the eyes which probably is making things a bit more problematic.

I took him to one of the vets in my area who specializes in treating dogs as thats a common pet. He suggested us to give following medicines :--

-- Eye Drop    Cifran -- Every 4 hrs   Composition (Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride IP 3mg + Benzalkonium Chloride .012*)      

-- Oral suspension Concitone -- Every 4 hrs Compostion (Vitamin A, D3, B2, B6, B12, C, E, Nicottinamide, D-Panthenol, Elemental sodium, Elemental Phophorus, Elemental Potassium, Elemental Chloride).

- The above medicines help reduce the the ailment but not cure it coz it keeps coming back once the medicine effect seems to subside.As there are no dedicated vets available for rabbits in my area hence your expert opinion will be appreciated.  

Dear Ashwin,

It's likely that your bunny has a blocked tear duct, and a good first try for this problem is the antibiotic ophthalmic drops your vet prescribed.  But please read this:

for a full description of this common problem, and how dental disorders can contribute to it.  In many cases, unfortunately, this will be a chronic nuisance that will require warm, moist compresses, face washing, and regular care to prevent the face skin from becoming irritated and raw.

Some vets recommend letting the affected (neutered) rabbit choose a spayed/neutered rescue companion who will groom the affected area and keep it clean.  Sometimes that really works!  But at least the bunny will have a pal to love.

Hope that helps.
