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Urgent Help with Sick Rabbit

22 10:12:54

Hi Kareen,
I urgently need help with my sick rabbit, Bunni. She appears to have diarrhoea and I need a list of foods of what to feed her to make her better. I got her 6 days ago and another person on this website thinks she's too young. I've been feeding her some cucumber before I found out that she had diarrhoea and I've stopped feeding her that now. At the moment I'm only feeding her the food mix you buy at the pet store and some water. Is there some other food I could give her to make her better. She also lives with my 1 yr old guinea pig, Jazz. Please help me!
From Sarah

First of all sorry it took me so long to reply my Internet has been down. Ok stop with the pet store food immediately. You need a good feed store food such as Manna pro nothing with added things to the pellets but for now you need to pull all her food and only offer fresh water and all the timothy hay she will eat when her poo starts to come back to normal you can start the good pellet feed only needs 1/3 cup per 3 lbs of body weight