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rabbits living quarters

22 11:17:23

We've had a pet albino rabbit for the past 3 months.  It has been living freely in our home.  It tends to chew on baskets, papers and shoes.  We feed it pet food along with lettuce, and carrots. We've decided to let it go outside for first hour intervals, and not it's up to about 6.   In order to get it to come in we have to pick it up.  It seems content inside and out.  Are we confusing the rabbi about where it lives/and if it ran away could it survive in the wild?

Domestic rabbits cannot survive in the wild, they don't have the instincts of wild rabbits about what to eat, and a white rabbit is a tempting target for hawks and other predators.

Many domestic rabbits like to go out in the backyard and hang out, so he is just going to consider that part of his space.

I would just watch out for predators that can get into your yard, such as dogs, cats, snakes, raccoons, and birds.
