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Squealing Rabbit?

22 9:46:55


I have a male dwarf rabbit approx, 1 year old. Today I picked him up by the scruff, and caught him by surprise.

He started bvy gruntimng, but then did this high-pitched alarm squeal much like a pig.

It was really sad to see my majestic lovely boy squeal like that so I was wondering if he squealed by surprise, by being scared, or that I hurt him in some way?

Lily :)

Hi Lily,

It could have been either.  It is not a good idea to pick a bunny up by the scruff.  It stretches out their skin and pulls it away from the muscle.  It can be painful and he could have screamed from pain.  I have seen bunnies scream from being scared also.  It is really impossible to say but I would take care not to lift him that way again if possible.
