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sudden death in young rabbits

22 11:10:48

I breed rex rabbits on a small scale and recently I've had several young rabbits (about 7 weeks) die suddenly. All the dead rabbits are stretched out rigid on their side with their head back as if they had a seizure.  At first I thought it could have been a broken neck or back but there has been to many in to short a time for that to be likely. I wondered if it could be genetic since they are all from the same mother and all have the same coloring and all died around the same age. It would be really great if you could help me figure out what this is. Thank you for your time.

Hi Hannah,
  Sorry about the deaths, sounds like they may have come into contact with some bacterial infection..or perhaps dehydration??
 I can't be certain of the cause of death  because I need much more info on this.
I doubt that this was genetic..very unlikely, most probably a bacterial infection that caused this unfortunate situation.
 My best regards,Elizabeth