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drooling rabbit

22 10:26:58

My rabbit has been drooling a lot. I have taken him to the vets for a dental examination but his teeth are fine. He is also drinking a lot of water. I am not sure if it is because he is drooling or maybe kidney related. He also seems to put his nose in his water bowl and use it to groom himself. He is eating and seems o.k otherwise. I am taking him back to the vets tomorrow but no one seems to know why he is drooling. I am very worried as he is a much treasured little rabbit. If you have any ideas I would be most greatful.
Thanks, Anna

Dear Anna,

Did the vet check the *molars*, or just the incisors?  If the vet is not very experienced with rabbits, then s/he may not really know what to look for in terms of molar spurs or other potential dental problems that can cause drooling.  I have never heard of a drooling problem that was *not* caused by dental disorders, so it's *very* important you have a vet who really knows what to look for and how to treat it.  

You can find an experienced rabbit vet here:

In some cases, a jaw abscess can cause drooling, and this can be detected via palpation and/or head radiographs.  Please read:


for complete information.

I really would get him to another, experienced rabbit vet for a second opinion.

Hope this helps.