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my lop bunny is too skinny.

22 10:26:58

I did some research and I'm pretty sure I have a holland lop bunny. I got the bunny 2 months ago from my mom's friend. He's kind of smaller than a lot of the rabbits that look similar to him at HRS. I was gone for 2 days and my little brother brought his cage out to the garage. when I brought him in he was very boney... I can feel his back bone. I was wondering if he caught something internal. He's eating and pooping normally. but he doesn't drink as much water as he used to. he has an appointment to get neutered soon but I'm not sure if I should take him cuz I'm unsure of his age. are there any vets in the bay area for rabbits because I've called a lot of shelters and the cost is really high.  

Dear Tammy,

You're lucky that there are many good rabbit vets in the Bay Area.  You can find them with the list linked here:

Don't take him to a shelter for neutering if you're not sure the vet there is an accomplished rabbit vet.  The reason their cost for a rabbit neuter is high is possibly because they don't have a vet who is experienced with that surgery.  Please read:


You should get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP for a complete checkup before any thought of neutering if he seems thin.  He could have molar problems that are making it hard for him to eat and drink:

Dental problems are *very* common in Holland lops, in particular.

or he could have some other health problem that needs to be treated before he can undergo surgery.  Please see:

He may be dehydrated, and this can be very dangerous.  So please be sure to get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP.  It may cost you some money, but you have adopted him and are now responsible for his medical care.  When he needs help, he has only you to depend on.  Please do the right thing.

I hope this helps.
