Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Mini lop back legs are collapsing.

Mini lop back legs are collapsing.

22 11:24:22

We have a six month old mini lop. He has been fine and this week his back legs started to give out when he hops and he falls to the side.   It is not really one side or the other both are doing it. I have check his nails touched is legs all over he is not tender. Any ideas? I am worried it is Neurologicial( Spelling?)

Dear Janet,

Although it's not common for a rabbit this young to experience hind limb paresis (weakness), it's not impossible.  There are many possible reasons, but all require immediate veterinary attention to arrest the problem before it becomes worse.  

Please read:

which explains the various causes and treatments of this problem.  Please pay special attention to the section on the parasite, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, which can be treated with fenbendazole and/or ponazuril (the former very inexpensive, the latter very expensive and not yet really tested, but showing great promise).

Then, please use the list linked here:

to find a good rabbit vet near you who can properly diagnose and prescribe treatment.  The sooner this is done, the better your bunny's chances for full recovery.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
