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Early Rabbit neuter

22 9:58:28

I volunteer at a general animal shelter. I am responsible for the rabbits.

I have been considering adopting one of the baby rabbits who was born at the shelter for a little while. They were all hand raised mom died during their birth.

I went in today and the one I was looking at was no longer there. I talked to the director and was told he was sent in for his neuter. He is only 8 weeks old. So I immediately called the vet in case there was a mix up. I can't understand the receptionist there and all I understood was "Emergency" and "Rupture".

What could cause an 8 week old rabbit to be neutered? I didn't have time to stay and ask and they were closed by the time I got home from work. I am going to call again tomorrow as well but would like to know if you have any thoughts.

Dear Sonn,

I'm as puzzled as you are.  I can't imagine what would cause an 8 week old baby bunny to "rupture" in any way that would require an emergency neuter.  If you have time, please let me know what you found out.

I hope the little guy is okay.
