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my bunnys broken leg :(

22 10:56:49

hi my name is chloe and im 13. my bunny broke it's leg about 2 days ago, and both bones in its leg are broken. it was caused by my grandma who stepped on it but didn't put her foot all the way down. She weighs about 150 kg maybe more and chopper is only a tiny tiny bunny. he is 8 weeks old. we have taken it to the vet and he has a little cast on him. its making me cry everytime i look at him because his leg sticks out. i don't no if the vet made it better or worse. i love chopper soooo incredibly much and i really dont want him to die. plz tell me everything you know about broken bunny legs asap. plz tell me what to do because im very worried.

Dear Chloe,

I am so sorry about this unfortunate accident.  But know that your bunny can live a completely happy life, even if his leg is a little bit "askew" when it heals.  I know rabbits who even live very happily on only three legs, so your bunny is still ahead of the game.

The leg should heal relatively quickly, since he's young.  But the problem that because he's still growing, the growth plates of the bones may not be aligned (not much the vet can really do about that), which could cause the leg to heal a bit crooked.  Only time will tell.

Just follow the vets' directions and ask for the cast to be off at the proper time.  The best medicine for this is just time and patience.

I hope this helps.
