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Poor eating habits.

22 10:17:42

Oil painting pallete fell on rabbit, washed him with soap.  Secondly, miniature poodle using his paper to pee on.  Thirdly, fell in love with mop.  Maybe roach spray on it, although well washed. Same weight though, 9 pounds. Symptoms:  hasn't devoured his crunchies, hay.  Is eating very little, drinking his own piss.  This since two days ago.


please take him in to your regular, good rabbit vet.  I really wish that was your first instinct on this.

If you don't have a good rabbit vet, please go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.  If you are outside the US, they have links to international rabbit vet listings.

Please get him in.  It would be good if you could keep the dog away from his area so as not to use his papers as a bathroom, and get the mop out of his reach.

Anytime a rabbit is off his normal routine with food, please consider it a serious issue and get him to a vet.  
