Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit skin all falling off

rabbit skin all falling off

22 10:17:42

my rabbits hair is falling out and the bodys gone rede pink any forts i dont know wots wrong with him

Hi Nick,

you need to take your rabbit to a good rabbit vet for a diagnosis right away.

To find a good rabbit vet, start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.  If you are outside the US, they have links to listings for other countries as well.

Please don't wait.  This is the time of the year for the fall shed, which is a heavier shed, but it is never a bad thing to take your rabbit in if you are not sure there is a problem.  It is better than letting your bunny suffer (or worst case, die) from something that could have easily been treated/prevented.
