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hind leg

22 11:10:34


The hind leg problem happened for a few mths and it happened gradually.  At first we didn't realize she has a problem, just think she is lazy (i.e. when she jumped back to the tray, her right leg will hang in the side of the cage for a sec, before she stands properly with 2 legs.  Later on we find out she hops with her right feet slide to the right (show weakness) and in some days, her hip will slide to the right too.  She shuffle her hind legs rather than hop and use her front legs to move around.  She also has toliet problem (wet fur and have pink skin).  But after taking Ferbendazole, the toliet problem and her left leg seems improved, but her right still shuffle.  Does she has E-Cuniculi?  If affirmitive, will she get any better for longer medicine apply?  Asides from Ferbendazole, she also takes Probiotics.  Thank you for your time.  Any feedback is highly appreciated.    

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Dear Dana,

My rabbit is currently taking Ferbendazole (13ml) and it is ab't 22 days now.  Her hind leg still stick out when she hop but the situation didn't get worst.  I'm wondering if she ever be recovered?  The Vet said if her situation is not that great after 28 days, she can continue to take Ferbendazole.  Can my rabbit take medicine for over 28 days?  Any side effect?  All feedback is appreciated.  Thank you.
Dear Wendy,

Side effects from fenbendazole have rarely been reported in rabbits.  It is possible for the bunny to take it for more than 28 days, but I'm not sure it would be helpful.

Did this problem develop suddenly, or over time?  Are there any other symptoms?  Generally, a leg sticking out "sideways" is not associated with Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection--which is what the fenbendazole is meant to treat.

Is it possible that the leg position is due to an injury?  I would need to know more about how the leg position changed and what other symptoms accompanied the change in order to help you better.

Please let me know.


Dear Wendy,

At this point in the development of rabbit medicine, there is no way to absolutely be certain that your bunny is infected with E. cuniculi.  Paired antibody titer tests can indicate only if she has ever been exposed, and/or is showing an immune response to the parasite, but not really whether the parasite is present or not.

I'm glad she's getting better since the Panacur started. Keep it up for as long as necessary, and I'll bet she continues to improve.  If your vet thinks it necessary to continue the meds longer than 28 days, then I'd go for it.

Good luck!  Sending healing vibes!
