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rabbit neutered

22 9:39:11

Had 8 month old healthy male rabbit neutered yesterday. He ha a pcv of 47 befor procedure and a 35 pcv after procedure. Vet sent him home overnight. Seemed very disoriented responded to voice but had trouble finding water dish. Took him back this morning-pcv29. Xray done-no bleed found.Vet has never seen a case like this in 30 years unsure of what to do. Put him on I.V. Any suggestions?

Dear Karen,

This is pretty alarming.  If his PCV is steadily going down, he must be bleeding somewhere.  Is it possible that someone at the vet's hospital dropped him or otherwise caused trauma, and didn't report it?

I suggest taking him to another vet for an exam, though I'm not sure how a vet would detect internal bleeding.

If you know someone with a big bunny, a transfusion could be done if his PCV goes very low.  But better to find the source of the bleeding and stop it ASAP!  I hope another vet can find out what is going on.

