Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is PVC foam safe?

Is PVC foam safe?

22 9:42:14


 I had an idea that I'm tossing around and I'm not sure if it's safe for bunny. It's one of those PVC foam slip pads that one would use in a kitchen. So instead of using it near the sink (on the floor for a fall resistant surface), I'm deciding to trash it, but not before slicing out a piece and possibly using it for bunny's cage. My only concern is her digging and possible chewing of such and its reaction to her body. So do you think I could use this? It seems handy being water resistant, easier to clean her body fluids and other things. Thanks for your help!


Dear Andrew

If there is ANY risk of her chewing or swallowing it, do not let her anywhere near this.  It could cause a fatal blockage.  I would not use this for any reason.  Instead, stick to 100% cotton, cushy mats.  Any type of synthetic fiber or material that could be chewed and swallowed is very dangerous for bunnies.

Hope that helps.
