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Rabbits - Broken Hock

22 10:32:00

My 3 month old baby bunny has a broken or dislocked hock ( right foot) Above the ankle. The option the vet is given me is do nothing, do surgery or euthanize him.

Please help ASAP, Monday 1 am
Should we give pain medication

What would you do?

Dear Lauren,

If this were my rabbit, I would get him to another vet.

If the break is severe, then amputation might be the safest option.  A baby rabbit can learn to live with three legs fairly well, and a back leg amputation is not as hard to manage as a front leg.

If the break is not severe, it's important to *stabilize* it so it stays aligned and heals as well as possible.  In a young rabbit this is tricky, as the growth plates may not align, and the healed leg could grow crooked as the bun increases in size.

Suggesting euthanasia as a good option for this problem is not very responsible, in my opinion.  A bunny like this is not a broken toy!  The condition is treatable, if the vet takes the rabbit seriously as a patient.  I hope he at least prescribed pain medication.  If not, I would certainly *never* go back to that vet.

I hope this helps.
