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Possible Rabbit pregnancy?

22 10:40:00

Hello! I have a dwarf lop named Darla, and I recently let her play with my other bun Julian. She is a very fiesty rabbit and is usually good at kicking the other buns off her. I decided it wasnt a good idea to let them play for too long, so I seperated them. This was about two weeks ago, and I have noticed her behaviour becoming a little more aggressive, and she seems a lot more hungry than before. I figured she might be pregnant, so I tryed to palpate her abdomen, but find I am not really good at it. I didnt really feel anything, but recently she looks a little fatter. Do you think she could be pregnant? What are the signs of pregnancy? Help please! I need to know how to care for her and the babies (i dont think you are supposed to touch them at all?) and if to give her a nesting box!!Thank you so much, I hope you can be of some help!

Hi Samantha,

if both rabbits were never fixed then she is pregnant.

The signs you describe are hormonal chagnes of a pregnant female.

I suggest going to the House Rabbit Society web site ( and using their search engine: "babies", "newborn", "pregnant".

And you can touch them briefly without problems as the mom knows your smell already.  Not a lot but if they fall out of the nest you can put them back and to make sure they are still alive.
