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orphaned wild rabbit

22 10:15:08

I took this wild baby rabbit from my dog this Friday and been caring for him he was not injured to my knowledge and seemed to be thriving was eating and drinking what I eas told to give him by vet.  Tonight checked on him and not doing well he stiffened up and would not stay on all four paws like he had I'm afraid he's about to die and don't know what to do. please help!!!

Dear Andrea,

It is extremely difficult to successfully raise a wild baby cottontail.  Instructions can be found here:

but what you've experienced is not uncommon.  A rabbit in this condition should be taken to a rabbit-experienced veterinarian immediately:

since help on the internet--by its very nature--may not come in time.

I hope the baby has survived, but no matter what, you are very kind to try and help.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
